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  • Combine all company data to show a ‘single version of truth’
    Data Analytics and Business Intelligence help stakeholders and analysts understand data and how its impacting the business and forecasted trends. Using Tableau Enterprise BI, everyone can read the same data...
  • Work with us
    Our most valuable asset? You! Jump on board and be ready to dive into a consultancy career where continuous training is offered, while keeping the perfect work and private life...
  • Account-based Marketing is the Standard for B2B Marketing
    Account-based Marketing is the Standard for B2B Marketing Account-based Marketing is a strategy that is increasingly followed amongst marketing teams for B2B marketing. This approach involves the identification of target...
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  • How to manage Online and Physical Corporate Events in the Digital Age
    The Corporate Event Management, whether they are digital, webinars, live-streaming, or physical initiatives, usually cover a large part of the marketing budget. With the outbreak of Covid 19, many of...
  • Tableau CRM, integrating Tableau Software and Einstein Analytics
    Tableau CRM is here! Integrating Tableau Software and Salesforce Einstein Analytics The latest offering from Tableau Software is Tableau CRM, easily integrated to Tableau’s own analytics and Salesforce’s Einstein Analytics....
  • Difference between Business Analytics and Business Intelligence
    What is the difference between Business Analytics and Business Intelligence Business Analytics (BA) refers to data analysis in a company. Its aim is to look at anticipating trends and results...
  • Business Intelligence
    Business intelligence (BI) furnish past, present, and future forecasts of business operations.  It also embodies the strategies and technologies adopted by enterprises for the data analysis of business information. Among...
  • Next Generation System Integration and Block Architecture
    System Integration and Block Architecture. How the next generation of API integration works System Integration in a company is essential when launching new business models. It helps to increase operational...