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Magic Quadrant is a market research method published by IT consulting firm Gartner. They rely on proprietary qualitative data analysis processes to demonstrate market trends, such as direction, maturity, and participants.

The quadrant places a software vendor on the matrix with the completeness of vision in one axis and the ability to execute on the other. It then divides the big square into 4 quadrants that vendors can be classified as:

  • Leaders:

Leaders are vendors who score high on both criteria. Leaders are usually vendors who are established organisations with a strong customer base.

  • Challengers:

Like leaders, challengers lack vision but have the opportunity to transform into leaders.

  • Visionaries:

Visionaries are usually smaller businesses that lack the ability to execute visions.

  • Niche players:

Niche players are typically start-ups or newer companies lacking both vision and execution.

By analysing the results of the Magic Quadrant, the right platform can be selected to enhance customer experiences.

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